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What is the Difference Between Wet and Dry Cast Stone?

Shropshire Brick and Stone UK

Cast stone can be manufactured using two common methods. The first one is the dry tamp method and the second is the wet cast process. Both of these methods create a simulated natural cut-stone look. Dry tamp cast stone is often finished with limestone or sandstone, whereas the wet cast method allows for a wider array of potential finishes.


In this blog, we’ll discuss the differences between wet and dry cast stone so that you can expand your knowledge of these construction materials.

What is the difference?

The main difference between these two methods is the concrete mix. For dry tamp cast stone, the concrete mix has zero slump while the wet cast mix includes a higher water content and has 3” to 4” of slump. These are both methods of simulating natural stone which we will explain below.

Wet cast method

Wet cast stone is made in a similar way to how you would bake a cake. Firstly, the mix is created and then it is poured into a mould. When creating cast stone using the wet cast method, the mould needs to be perfect and it is important to get the right release from the mould, chemical release agents are used to provide a better surface finish.


Wet cast stone is made by reconstituted stone suppliers that can create quality cast stone products. It’s produced using four common ingredients: sand, pea-rock, cement and water. These ingredients are mixed together with carefully selected admixtures in a scientifically defined ratio and placed in professionally constructed precision moulds. They will then let the cast stone elements sit for 24 to 48 hours to cure properly and strengthen before being removed from the moulds for final cleaning and preparation.

Dry tamp method

The dry tamp method can be compared to making a sand castle at the beach. The main difference is that you add cement to the damp sand and use special compacting tools such as air-powered tampers to compress the sand and cement into the mould. Once the mix has been tamped into the mould, it can be flipped over, the cast stone part removed and the mould can be used again.


This method uses a mix of sand, cement, admixture and a small amount of water to create a damp sand-like mix. It is packed into the mould, hand or pneumatically tamped in several layers and the top is scraped off to leave it smooth and levelled. After removal, humidity is introduced to aid curing and early strength gain by putting parts into a water misting or steam curing room.


Shropshire Brick & Stone are reconstituted stone suppliers providing quality cast stone products for use as construction materials or decorative items. To learn more, get in touch with our team today.


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